Chapter 2. eAIP Browsing

The recommendation of the EUROCONTROL eAIP Project is for all eAIP graphics to be made available in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format. The SVG format offers perfect quality for display and printing, possibilities to zoom and pan, to search for text, etc. File sizes are typically smaller than for an equivalent graphic in raster format. In addition, it is possible to add "script functions" into the SVG file, which opens the way for an endless number of enhancements. For example, it is possible to show the differences between the current and the previous version of a chart.

How to use an SVG chart:

  • You need to install a "plugin" on your browser, for example the Adobe SVG Viewer (see Adobe's downloads page);

    Note : only the functionality specific to the Adobe SVG Viewer 3.0 plug-in will be described further down; at the time of the writing, it was the most common SVG viewer and the only one which has been tested within the eAIP Project .

  • Zoom in : press the "Control" key and click with the left (normal) mouse button; alternatively, drag the mouse (i.e. press normal mouse button, move mouse and then release button) to define a zooming rectangle;

  • Pan : press the "Alt" key and drag the mouse

  • Additional, standard SVG commands are available on a right-mouse click menu (zoom in, zoom out, search text, etc.)