The air traffic rules and procedures applicable to air traffic in SAL OCEANIC FIRSAL OCENIC FIR / UIR conform to ICAO Annexes 2 and 11 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and to those portions of the Procedures for Air Navigation Services - Rules of the Air and Air Traffic Management applicable to aircraft and of the Regional Supplementary Procedures applicable to the SAM Region, except for the difference listed in GEN 1.7.
Aircraft shall not be flown below the minimum safe height except when necessary for the take - off and landing. The minimum safe height is the height at which neither an unnecessary noise disturbance nor unnecessary hazards to persons and property in the event of an emergency landing are to be feared; however, over cities, other densely populated areas and assemblies of persons, this height shall be at least 300 M (1000 FT) above the highest obstacle within a radius of 600 M, and elsewhere at least 150 M (500 FT) above ground or water. Gliders and balloons may be operated below a height of 150 M is necessary for the kind of operation and if danger to persons and property id not to be feared. Aircraft shall not be flown below bridges and similar constructions nor below overhead lines and antennas. For flight conducted for special purposes, the local aeronautical authority may grant exceptions.
The dropping or spraying of objects or other substances out or from aircraft is prohibited. This does not apply to ballast in the form of water or fine sand, fuel, tow ropers, tow banners and similar objects if dropped or discharged at places where no danger to persons or property exists. The local aeronautical authority may grant exemptions to the interdiction if no danger to persons or property exist. The dropping of mail is controlled by the Postal Authority or by the designated unit, in agreement with the aeronautical authority.
Acrobatic flights are only permitted in visual meteorological conditions and with the explicit consent of all persons on board. Acrobatic flights are prohibited at heights of less than 450 M (1500 FT) as well as over cities, other densely populated areas, assemblies of persons, and airports. The local aeronautical authority may grant exemptions in individual cases. Acrobatic flights conducted in the vicinity of aerodromes without an ATS unit require special permission in addition to the air traffic control clearance.
The pilot holds the rating for towing;
The aircraft is equipped with a calibrated barograph for recording altitudes during flight;
During the proposed flight not more than three aircraft are flying in formation, in which case a distance of at least 60 M shall be maintained both between the towed object of the preceding aircraft and the following aircraft, as well as between the aircraft;
The legal liability insurance also explicitly covers the towing of objects.
Co - ordinated Universal Time (UTC) and the prescribed units of measurement shall be applied to flight operations. ASA - Aeroportos e Seguranca Aerea - S.A. - EP acting under delegated authority of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport (Ministerial Resolution from 13th November 1995 published in "Boletim Oficial n° 45 - 1 serie" on 29th December 1995) will establish the units of measurement to be used and they will be published in the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP).
For the performance of the flight information service and the alerting service, ASA - Aeroportos e Seguranca Aerea - S.A. establishes flight information regions which are published in the AIP. Within the flight information regions, ASA - Aeroportos e Seguranca Aerea - S.A. establishes the controlled and uncontrolled airspace according to the extent of air traffic service maintained there, on the basis of classification described in section ENR 1.4. Within controlled airspace, VFR flights may be prohibited completely or partly by the air traffic services with regard to the limitations of space and time if urgently required by the degree of intensity of air traffic subject to air traffic control.
ASA - Aeroportos e Seguranca Aerea - S.A. , acting under delegated authority of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, establishes prohibited and restricted areas, if necessary, for the prevention of danger to public safety or order, especially for the safety of air traffic. The areas will be published in the AIP.
Cloud flights with gliders may be permitted by the air traffic services if the safety of air traffic can be maintained by appropriate measures. Conditions may be attached to the permission.
Within the SAL OCEANIC FIRSAL OCENIC FIR / UIR , all aircraft operating in Class G airspace intending to enter Class C airspace shall contact ATC and obtain clearance prior to enter Class C airspace.
The flight crew shall read back to the air traffic controller safety related parts of ATC clearances and instructions which are transmitted by voice. The following items shall always be read back:
ATC route clearances;
Clearances and instructions to enter, land on, take - off from, hold short of, cross and back track on any runway;
Runway in use, altimeter settings, SSR code, level instructions, heading and speed instructions, weather issued by controller or contained in ATIS broadcast and transition levels.