3.1.1.  Responsible service The Aeronautical Information Service is provided by the Air Navigation Direction (DNA), through the Aeronautical Information Management Service (SGIA) - AIS / MAP, of ASA - Aeroportos e Seguranca Aerea - S.A.. The AIM is responsible for the flow of information necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of international and national air navigation within the area of its responsibility as indicated under GEN 3.1.2 below. It consists of AIS headquarters, International NOTAM Office (NOF) and ARO units established at aerodromes listed under GEN 3.1.5 below. AIS Headquarter

Air Navigation Direction (DNA)
Aeronautical Information Management Service (SGIA) - AIS / MAP
Aeroporto Amilcar Cabral
Sal Island
Republic of Cabo Verde

Tel: +238 2412502

Fax: +238 2413264



URL:  International NOTAM Office (NOF)

Air Navigation Direction (DNA)
International NOTAM Office
Aeroporto Amilcar Cabral
Sal Island
Republic of Cabo Verde

Tel: +238 2412090

Fax: +238 2413264



URL: Service hours

AIS service hours are as follows

  1. International NOTAM Office: H 24

  2. Aeronautical Information Management Service: MON - FRI during office hours (09:00 - 17:00) Applicable ICAO documents

The service is provided in accordance with the provisions contained in the following ICAO documents:

  1. Annex 15 - Aeronautical Information Service

  2. Doc 8126 - Aeronautical Information Service Manual

  3. Doc 10066 - Procedures for Air Navigation Services of Aeronautical Information Management.

Differences to these provisions are detailed in GEN 1.7

3.1.2.  Area of Responsibility

The Aeronautical Information Services is responsible for the collection and dissemination of information for the entire territory of the Republic of Cabo Verde and for High Sea Airspace under the Republic of Cabo Verde jurisdiction for air traffic purposes.

3.1.3.  Aeronautical publications

The Aeronautical information is provided in the form of aeronautical information products consisting of the following elements:

  1. Electronic Aeronautical Information Publication (eAIP)

  2. Electronic Amendment Service to the AIP (AIP AMDT)

  3. Electronic Supplement Service to the AIP (AIP SUP)

  4. NOTAM and Pre Flight Information Bulletins (PIB)

  5. Electronic Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC) Service and

  6. Checklists and lists of valid NOTAM.

NOTAM and the related monthly checklist are issued via the Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS) while PIB are made available at aerodrome AIS units. All other aeronautical products are published on the internet.  Electronic Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)

The electronic AIP is the basic source for permanent information and long duration temporary changes, which are essential for the safety of air navigation. The AIP is published in one volume and contains all relevant information for international civil aviation. It is published in English and updated by means of AIP Amendments and / or AIP Supplements.

The electronic AIP Cabo Verde is available in HTML format. The HTML version and a PDF version derived there-from is published on the internet and can be found at  Amendment Service to the electronic AIP Amendments to the electronic AIP (AIP AMDT) are published on the internet. There are two types of Amendments:
  1. Electronic regular AIP Amendments (AIP AMDT), containing permanent information which is not of operational significance for the safe conduct of a flight and does not require an advanced notification to the users. These electronic AIP AMDT are issued in accordance with the established regular intervals (GEN and incorporate permanent changes into the electronic AIP at the indicated publication date;

  2. Electronic AIRAC AIP amendments (AIRAC AIP AMDT) containing permanent information which is of operational significance for the safe conduct of a flight and requires an advanced notification to the users. Electronic AIRAC AIP amendments are issued in accordance with the AIRAC system, identified by the acronym AIRAC at the indicated AIRAC effective date.

A brief description of the subjects affected by the amendment is given on the electronic AIP Amendment cover sheet. Each electronic AIP amendment cover sheet includes references to the serial number of those elements, if any, of the Aeronautical Information Products which have been incorporated in the electronic AIP by the amendment and are consequently cancelled. Each AIP AMDT and each AIRAC AIP AMDT will be allocated separate two digit serial numbers which are consecutive in line with the AIRAC cycle. This will be followed by a four digit number to denote the year of issue or validity, e.g. AIP AMDT 01 / 2022; AIRAC AIP AMDT 01 / 2022. This new system will supersede the old system (which used a continuous sequence of numbers). For further details refer to the electronic AIP Republic of Cabo Verde version on the internet and its Help section.  Electronic Supplement Service to the electronic AIP (AIP SUP) Temporary changes of long duration (three months and longer) and information of short duration which consists of extensive text and / or graphics, supplementing the permanent information contained in the electronic AIP are published as electronic AIP Supplements (AIP SUP). Operationally significant temporary changes to the electronic AIP are published in accordance with the AIRAC system and its established effective dates are identified clearly by the acronym AIRAC. Electronic AIP Supplements are separated by information subject (General - GEN, En-route - ENR and Aerodromes - AD). In a similar manner to AIP AMDT, each Supplement (regular or AIRAC) is allocated a serial number which is consecutive and based on the calendar year, i. e. AIRAC AIP SUP 01 / 2022. Electronic AIP Supplements are kept in the AIP as long as all or some of their contents remain valid. The period of validity of information contained in the electronic AIP Supplement will normally be given in the supplement itself. Alternatively, NOTAM may be used to indicate changes to the period of validity or cancellation of the supplement. The checklist of electronic AIP Supplements currently in force is issued additionally by the medium of the monthly printed plain language summary of NOTAM in force. Electronic AIP Supplements are placed on the desktop of the electronic AIP as a separate subject item under the electronic AIP Tabulator "SUP". For further details refer to the electronic AIP Cabo Verde version on the internet and its Help section.  Electronic Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC) The electronic Aeronautical Information Circulars (AIC) contain information of long - term forecast of any major change in legislation, regulations procedures or facilities; purely explanatory or advisory nature liable to affect flight safety; and information or notification of an explanatory or advisory nature concerning technical, legislative or purely administrative matters. AICs are divided in accordance with subjects and their affects and are issued in two series (A and N). AIC Series A contains information affecting international civil aviation and is given international distribution, while AIC Series N contains information affecting national aviation only and is given national distribution. Each electronic AIC is numbered consecutively on a calendar year basis. The year, indicated by four digits, is a part of serial number of the AIC, e.g. AIC 1 / 2022. A checklist of AIC currently in force is issued as an AIC once a year. Electronic AIC are placed on the desktop of the electronic AIP accordingly as a separate item under the eAIP Tabulator "AIC". For further details refer to the electronic AIP Cabo Verde version on the internet and its Help section.  Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) A NOTAM is a notice distributed by means of Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network (AFTN) containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations. A NOTAM shall be originated and issued promptly whenever the information to be disseminated is of a temporary nature and of short duration or when operationally significant permanent changes, or temporary changes of long duration are made at short notice. When an AIP AMDT or an AIP SUP is published in accordance with the AIRAC procedures, a “TRIGGER” NOTAM shall be originated giving a brief description of the contents, the effective date, and the reference number to the AIP AMDT or AIP SUP. The basic purpose of a NOTAM is the dissemination of information in advance of the event to which it relates, except in the case of unserviceability which cannot be foreseen. A NOTAM checklist shall be issued via the AFTN for each month on the first day of the following month containing a numerical list of valid NOTAM in force, and referring to the latest AIP AMDT, AIP SUP and AIC issued. A monthly printed Plain Language list of valid NOTAM including a reference to the latest AIP AMDT, checklist of AIP SUP and AIC issued, shall be prepared with a minimum delay and forwarded by the most expeditious means to recipients of the Aeronautical Information Products. NOTAMs are originated and issued for SAL OCEANIC FIRSAL OCENIC FIR / UIR and are distributed in two series identified by the letter A and S.

Series A - International distribution: General rules, navigation warnings, en-route navigation and communication facilities, airspace reservations and navigation warnings, information concerning international aerodromes.

Series S (SNOWTAM): Information providing a surface condition report notifying the presence or cessation of hazardous conditions due to snow, ice, slush, frost, standing water or water associated with snow, slush, ice or frost on the movement area. SNOWTAMs are prepared in accordance with ICAO Doc 10066 (PANS - AIM) Appendix 4 and are issued for all international aerodromes.  Checklist and list of valid NOTAM A checklist of valid NOTAMs is issued monthly via AFS. The checklist is followed by a printed list of valid NOTAMs distributed by mail to all recipients of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package. It contains a plain language (in English) presentation of the valid NOTAM and information about the number of the latest issued AIP AMDT, AIRAC AIP AMDT, AIP SUP and AIC as well as the numbers of the elements issued under the AIRAC that will become effective or, if none, the NIL AIRAC notification. Checklists and lists of valid NOTAMs are administrative material without operational significance. Their purpose is to help recipients of the Aeronautical Information Products verifying the continuity and validity of the information they handle.  Distribution and sale of Publications This information is supplied free of charges to foreign Aeronautical Authorities and Aeronautical Information Services on a reciprocal basis. Nevertheless a registration is necessary to access the eAIP. Instructions to obtain access are given on the website. Aeronautical Publications and the conditions of subscription, and respective purchase prices are published every year in an International AIC. Orders, cancellations, claims and payment of subscriptions of all international aeronautical publications shall be addressed to:

Aeronautical Information Management Service AIS / MAP
Aeroporto Amilcar Cabral
Sal Island
Republic of Cabo Verde

Tel: +238 2412502

Fax: +238 2413264




3.1.4.  AIRAC system

In order to control and regulate operationally significant changes requiring amendments to charts, route manuals, etc., such changes, whenever possible, will be issued on predetermined dates according to the AIRAC SYSTEM. This type of information will be published as AIRAC AIP amendments or AIRAC AIP Supplement.

AIRAC information will be issued so that the information will be received by the user not later than 28 days, and for major changes not later than 56 days, before the effective date. The following table indicates AIRAC effective dates for Years 2022 to 2029:

27 January26 January25 January23 January
24 February23 February22 February20 February
24 March23 March21 March20 March
21 April20 April18 April17 April
19 May18 May16 May15 May
16 June15 June13 June12 June
14 July13 July11 July10 July
11 August10 August08 August07 August
08 September07 September05 September04 September
06 October05 October03 October02 October
03 November02 November31 October30 October
01 December30 November28 November27 November
29 December28 December26 December25 December
22 January21 January20 January18 January
19 February18 February17 February15 February
19 March18 March16 March15 March
16 April15 April13 April12 April
14 May13 May11 May10 May
11 June10 June08 June07 June
09 July08 July06 July05 July
06 August05 August03 August02 August
03 September02 September31 August30 August
01 October30 September28 September27 September
29 October28 October26 October25 October
26 November25 November23 November22 November
24 December23 December21 December20 December

3.1.5.  Pre - flight information service at aerodromes / heliports

Air Traffic Services Reporting Office (ARO) units are established at the airports of Sal Island / Amilcar Cabral, Praia / Nelson Mandela, Rabil / Aristides Pereira and Sao Pedro / Cesaria Evora.

ARO Unit / hours of ServiceTelephoneTelefaxAFTN

Sal Island / Amilcar Cabral


+238 2411309 +238 2411309 GVACZPZX

Praia / Nelson Mandela


+238 2633471



Rabil / Aristides Pereira

09:00 - 19:00

+238 2511070 +238 2511010 GVBAZPZX

Sao Pedro / Cesaria Evora

07:00 - 23:00

+238 2323716 +238 2323716 GVSVZPZX A pre - flight information service unit is available at all ATS Reporting Offices (ARO‘s), covering areas of its responsibility. Pre Flight Information Bulletins (PIB) are prepared in accordance with ICAO Annex 15, ICAO Doc 8126 and 10066. A selection of different PIB is possible and the following types are available.

For IFR or VFR flight:

  1. Route type PIB

  2. Aerodrome type PIB

  3. Area type PIB

  4. Navigation Warnings


  1. In all these PIB‘s a set of filters may be applied, namely: Date and duration of the flight, Qualifiers (Traffic, Purpose and Scope), and flight levels used.

  2. The languages used by all ATS Reporting Offices (ARO‘s) are Portuguese and English or French.

3.1.6.  Digital data sets

To be developed