GEN 0  


0.1.1.  Name of the publishing authority

The Republic of Cabo Verde AIP is published by ASA - Aeroportos e Seguranca Aerea - S.A. on behalf of the Republic of Cabo Verde.

0.1.2.  Applicable ICAO documents

The AIP is prepared in accordance with the Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP) of Annex 15 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, the Aeronautical Information Services Manual (ICAO Doc 8126) and the Aeronautical Information Management Manual (ICAO Doc 10066). Charts contained in the AIP are produced in accordance with Annex 4 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation and the Aeronautical Chart Manual (Doc 8697). Differences from ICAO Standards, Recommended Practices and Procedures are given in subsection GEN 1.7.

0.1.3.  Publication media

The Republic of Cabo Verde AIP, AIP Amendments, AIP Supplements and Information Circulars (AIC) are published in electronic form on the internet.

0.1.4.  AIP structure and established regular amendment interval  AIP structure

The AIP forms part of the Aeronautical Information Products, details of which are given in subsection GEN 3.1. The principal AIP structure is shown in graphic form on page GEN 0.1-3.

The AIP is made up of three Parts, General (GEN), Enroute (ENR) and Aerodromes (AD), each divided into sections and subsections as applicable, containing various types of information subjects.  Part 1 - General (GEN)

Part 1 consists of five sections containing information as briefly described hereafter.

  1. GEN 0. - Preface; Record of AIP Amendments; Record of AIP Supplements; Checklist of AIP pages; List of hand amendments to the AIP; and the Table of Contents to Part 1.

  2. GEN 1. National regulations and requirements - Designated authorities; Entry, transit and departure of aircraft; Entry, transit and departure of passengers and crew; Entry, transit and departure of cargo; Aircraft instruments, equipment and flight documents; Summary of national regulations and international agreements/conventions; and Differences from ICAO Standards, Recommended Practices and Procedures.

  3. GEN 2. Tables and codes - Measuring system; Aircraft markings; Holidays; Abbreviations used in AIS products; Chart symbols; Location indicators; List of radio navigation aids; Conversion tables; and Sunrise/Sunset tables.

  4. GEN 3. Services - Aeronautical information services; Aeronautical charts; Air traffic services; Communication services; Meteorological services; and Search and rescue.

  5. GEN 4. Charges for aerodromes/heliports and air navigation services - Aerodrome/heliport charges; and Air navigation services charges.  Part 2 - Enroute (ENR)

Part 2 consists of seven sections containing information as briefly described hereafter.

  1. ENR 0. - Preface; Record of AIP Amendments; Record of AIP Supplements; Checklist of AIP pages; List of hand amendments to the AIP; and the Table of Contents to Part 2.

  2. ENR 1. General rules and procedures - General rules; Visual flight rules; Instrument flight rules; ATS airspace classification; Holding, approach and departure procedures; Radar services and procedures; Altimeter setting procedures; Regional supplementary procedures; Air traffic flow management; Flight planning; Addressing of flight plan messages; Interception of civil aircraft; Unlawful interference; and Air traffic incidents.

  3. ENR 2. Air traffic services airspace - Detailed description of Flight information regions (FIR); Upper flight information regions (UIR); Terminal control areas (TMA); Control areas (CTA) and Other regulated airspace.

  4. ENR 3. ATS routes - Detailed description of Conventional ATS routes; Area navigation routes; Other routes; and Enroute holding.

    Note: Other types of routes which are specified in connection with procedures for traffic to and from aerodromes/heliports are described in the relevant sections and subsections of Part 3 - Aerodromes.

  5. ENR 4. Radio navigation aids/systems - Radio navigation aids - enroute; Special navigation systems; Name-code designators for significant points; and Aeronautical ground lights - enroute.

  6. ENR 5. Navigation warnings - Prohibited, restricted and danger areas; Military exercise and training areas and air defence identification zone (ADIZ); Other activities of a dangerous nature and other potential hazards; Air navigation obstacles - enroute; Aerial sporting and recreational activities; and Bird migration and areas with sensitive fauna.

  7. ENR 6. Enroute charts - Enroute Chart - ICAO and index charts.  Part 3 - Aerodromes (AD)

Part 3 consists of four sections containing information as briefly described hereafter.

  1. AD 0. - Preface; Record of AIP Amendments; Record of AIP Supplements; Checklist of AIP pages; List of hand amendments to the AIP; and the Table of Contents to Part 3.

  2. AD 1. Aerodromes/Heliports - Introduction - Aerodrome/heliport availability; Rescue and fire fighting services and Snow plan; Index to aerodromes and heliports; and Grouping of aerodromes/heliports.

  3. AD 2. Aerodromes - Detailed information about aerodromes, including helicopter landing areas, if located at the aerodromes, listed under 24 subsections.

  4. AD 3. Heliports - Detailed information about heliports (not located at aerodromes), listed under 23 subsections.  Regular amendment interval

Regular amendments to the AIP will be issued once every three months. The publication dates will be on the first day of February, May, August and November of each year.

0.1.5.  Copyright policy

Redistribution and copying of the contents of this publication only by prior agreement with ASA - Aeroportos e Seguranca Aerea - S.A..

0.1.6.  Service to contact in case of detected AIP errors or omissions

In the compilation of the AIP, care has been taken to ensure that the information contained therein is accurate and complete. Any errors and omissions which may nevertheless be detected, as well as any correspondence concerning the Aeronautical Information Products, should be referred to:

Air Navigation Direction (DNA)

Aeronautical Information Management Service (SGIA) - AIS / MAP


Aeroporto Amilcar Cabral
Sal Island
Republic Of Cabo Verde

Tel:  +238 2412502

Fax:  +238 2413264
